Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Second Grade 2015

Technology is a fun tool for learning...

Second Grade - March 2nd. - 6th.

Welcome back to school! Dear students, I am so excited to see you all back here in second grade.
 It will be a fantastic 2015 school year ;-)

Let's do something fun! Sticker-ing Myself  :-)

Choose a card from the bunch according to your feelings on getting back to school, go and find your group friends... get all togheter and create a sticker of yourself! following the teacher's instructions...

Go to Paint and create your emoticon, use the shapes and colors to express your feelings... you can draw any other accessory to complete your design.

2D working on their Emoti-sticker...

Students looking at the ICT blog.

Let's Explore Windows 8   =)

